[LINK] Mobile phone use set to be banned in vehicles

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Mon Feb 7 17:43:56 AEDT 2011

I suspect my first attempt at replying went to a person instead of the 
list ...

What I find interesting is that this angle was elevated above everything 
else by the press.

Up near the top of the report, the top causes of death and injury are 
given as drunk driving, drugs, speeding, not using seat belts, and 
fatigue (I don't think I have the order right here).

Distractions get discussed much further down, with the use of mobile 
phones a subset of distractions. And the report anticipates that an 
outright ban will be in place by 2020.

I don't doubt the dangers of the mobile phone, but in terms of the 
federal government report that got the ball rolling this morning, the 
media has decided to pluck out one particular issue.


On 7/02/11 10:37 AM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> Nanny state strikes again:
> People fined for "Touching their phones while driving"?  Yet I see people driving with phones held to their ear all the time.
> http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1479411/Mobile-phone-use-set-to-be-banned-in-vehicles
>> Mobile phone use set to be banned in vehicles
>> Calls from the road could be a thing of the past. (Reuters)
>> There are moves underway to ban all mobile phone use in vehicles, following a report from state transport heads, Fairfax reports.
>> The report comes amid a dramatic rise in the number of people fined for using a phone when behind the wheel.
>> In 2006, US researchers found that being distracted by a mobile phone was the equivalent of having a blood-alcohol level of 0.08, which is considered over the limit in every Australian
>> state.
>> The Sydney Morning Herald reports that over 50,000 drivers were last year fined for calling, texting and also touching their phones while driving, in NSW alone.
>> The report arrives before changes to be made in Western Australia, which will restrict motorists from using mobiles.
>> Australasian Bus and Coach reports that amendments to the Road Traffic Code in the state will ban calls unless made from a mounting device or hands-free device, from March the 1st.
> http://smh.drive.com.au/states-urged-to-impose-total-ban-on-mobile-phone-use-in-cars-20110206-1aiez.html

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