[LINK] Internet Explorer 9

Rachel Polanskis grove at zeta.org.au
Sat Feb 12 10:57:38 AEDT 2011

On 12/02/2011, at 10:23 AM, Kim Holburn <kim at holburn.net> wrote:

> Yet another, 'I used to hate Microsoft but I love their new "xxxx version yyyy" it's fantastic'.   It's a Microsoft(TM) advertising meme.

What is seriously disappointing is how poor their enterprise products really are given 
the propensity for organisations to happily absorb them into their processes.

I have been "migrated" to exchange 2010 for my email.   While I eventually succumbed
to being moved from all UNIX mail to an IMAP mailbox in exchange 2003,
it actually worked OK, if you discounted the onerous tools used to access the calendar.

Now, on 2010, I had to ditch PINE and try ALPINE and still I cannot decode 70% of attachments and get encoding and MIME errors in many emails.   So I started using 
the exchange adaptor in the iPad and also good old Apple mail and that seems to work
for calendar and mail quite well.

But I use Solaris at work and none of the tools I used last year have functioned correctly.
And I cannot even get Evolution to work properly as the plugin doesn't work on the 
architecture I am using.

But the fact is, their 2010 product seems to be a complete step back, with all the old
bugs resurgent, with performance issues for outlook users and a useless IMAP implementation
that not only annoys, but actually destroys productivity.   

I will not even begin to proffer an opinion on sharepoint now, nor the evil lockin called
powerpath, which is a nasty little subversive app that eats open systems. 

This is all a symptom of the usual Microsoft strategy.  The lockin for email is complete,
and assimilation of the protocols is finalised.  So to access rich resources, you cannot 
even use OWA anymore unless you are on a PC.  Otherwise it will present you with
OWA "lite".   And, apparently, it is not even consistent then, because some Windows 
users cannot access Rich OWA either, because of bugs in Exploiter.  To quote Vonnegut,
"so it goes"....


rachel polanskis 
<r.polanskis at uws.edu.au> 
<grove at zeta.org.au>

> On 2011/Feb/11, at 8:31 PM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> Release Candidate IE9 was posted today ..
>> --
>> Five things that excite me about developing for Internet Explorer 9
>> By Robert Johnson | Published February 10, 2011, 8:49 PM
>> <http://www.betanews.com/article/Five-things-that-excite-me-about-
>> developing-for-Internet-Explorer-9/1297387757> 
>> I gave up on Internet Explorer way back at IE7. As a user interface 
>> developer, the CSS and JavaScript workarounds created way too much 
>> unnecessary work. 
> -- 
> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
> T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
> mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
> skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request 
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