[LINK] Effective data rate

Gordon Keith gordonkeith at acslink.net.au
Thu Feb 17 16:35:14 AEDT 2011

On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 03:00:55 PM Kim Holburn wrote:
> I was thinking the other day.  I have an 8Mb/s ADSL connection with a 30GB
>  data cap.
> If I had a connection that ran full throttle for a month and got 30GB my
>  connection would be roughly effectively a data rate of 93Kb/s.
> It's a pity we can't get ISPs to advertise the effective data rate of their
>  services.

A more meaningful observation is that you have 8 hr 20 min of download per 

The data rate you get when you are sitting at the computer is the most 
important to users so 8Mb/s is a fair description (if that is what you get).


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