[LINK] Maintaining the link list
Tom Koltai
tomk at unwired.com.au
Sat Feb 19 16:54:53 AEDT 2011
Due to the Large number of Ghost linkers... Yes, you in the corner with
nothing to say... Too bloody right I'm talking to you... Day after day
you lurk, taking notes, breathing in the genius, yet do we ever hear
from you ?
On that basis, as a sop to the silent majority, would it not be more
politically correct to institute a Gummint type vote ?
[Pompous Voice Over Narrative]
After much daring do and what have you, D & M discussion panels, various
fact finding missions, et al ad nauseum et pluravit assisted dominus
sanctum "et-cetera et-ceterra et-ceterra" [in a Yul Brunner - The King
and I - accent] it has been decided that to simplify the election
procedure and to ensure that no unfair burden is placed on those using
Apple Macintoshes and other less capable devices powered by CP/M,
DRDos-6.0 Xenix 1.1 and/or Solaris X86 and of course all versions of MS
Windows after MSDos 2.11, It has been...
Err, that is, WE have decided that you all have 21 hours and 13 minutes
to reply Nay otherwise the Ayes have it.
Therefore, all those that consider that the following luminaries;
> Martin Barry
> Robin Whittle
> Ivan Trundle
Are capable without regard for political correctness or favour, in
carrying on the tradition that was established in the second millennium
AD should now shut-up.
All those with someone better to nominate, speak up and be heard, but be
warned, you are working a difficult audience consisting of [either]
academically, politically, socially and commercially failed curmudgeons,
[or self delusional genii (ok geniuses if you are American)].
[and the voting is rigged anyway....]
P.S.: I did mean Pluravit assisted... At our age, ya gotta take those
vitamins otherwise you might just fall into a nana nap midway through
the vote.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Ash Nallawalla
> Sent: Saturday, 19 February 2011 10:11 AM
> To: Link list
> Subject: Re: [LINK] Maintaining the link list
> All in favour, say Aye:
> Martin Barry
> Robin Whittle
> Ivan Trundle
> (apologies if others were nominated earlier - please add to the list)
> _______________________________________________
> Link mailing list
> Link at mailman.anu.edu.au
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