[LINK] NBN and Batteries

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Wed Feb 23 17:34:58 AEDT 2011

On 2011/Feb/23, at 3:21 PM, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> Only if they didn't pull the fibre through already-crowded ducts. 
> Otherwise, the copper gets de-comissioned.

Ducts?  As I've said before, a few years ago Telstra came through our suburb and completely redid the wiring.  They used directional drills.  The whole process took a couple of hours per street.  The suburb only took a couple of weeks.  

> Also, who is going to assume responsibility for running the batteries 
> now in the exchanges?
> And a final point: the NBN moves the backup; what is now a bunch of 
> lead-acids (I suppose) in exchange buildings becomes (probably) gel 
> batteries at homes. The net effect is that for X number of batteries 
> added to the environmental load, another bunch of batteries are 
> *removed* from it.
> RC
> On 23/02/11 3:11 PM, Tom Koltai wrote:
>> Interestingly enough, if they left the copper in the ground, it could
>> provide a back up current for the NBN so that in the event of a power
>> failure at the local suburb level, Power could be supplied to the fibre
>> (kerbside MDF Node) and the home via the copper....
>> What a revolutionary idea...

I thought of that too but then people would complain that the copper was still there so why do they have to have these newfangled broad bands which they didn't want anyway?

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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