[LINK] NBN and Batteries

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Thu Feb 24 07:46:01 AEDT 2011

> On 23/02/11 9:39 PM, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
>> This battery thing suggests to me that the original NBN solution didn't
>> think it all the way through.

Um, in any project planning exercise it's only "thought all the way through" at the end, not the beginning.

Surely the series of drafts, public discussions and revisions we've seen over the past couple of years are just the normal process of planning a big project with lots and lots of stakeholders?

[Whether this specific series of processes is the best is another question, of course. Maybe it's been flawed. Maybe not. I am not a project engineer so I can't tell the difference. But then neither can most commentators.]

I've come into this thread 85% of the way in, but that comment just caught me eye, so forgive me if it's being taken out of context. It's a hot-button issue for me, this idea -- which I think is misguided -- that because a plan is changed as the whole thing is gradually better understood, that somehow it's a failure.


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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