[LINK] Fwd: MR19/2011:Your home - the new frontier for media and communications [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Fri Feb 25 13:09:59 AEDT 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: media at acma.gov.au
> Date: 24 February 2011 10:19:33 AM AEDT
> To: <tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au>
> Subject: MR19/2011:Your home - the new frontier for media and communications [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
> Reply-To: media at acma.gov.au
> 24 February 2011 
> Your home - the new frontier for media and communications 
> Home networks are becoming more complex and dynamic as emerging technologies enable multiple services to be delivered to multiple users and devices in the home, according to a new report by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. 
> The report, Developments in Home Networks, looks at trends in technology and product developments over the past year for homeowners, service providers and those delivering communications and media services to the home. 
> ‘These new dynamics present both opportunities and challenges for consumers, industry and regulators,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
> Home networks are evolving from simple dedicated services delivered by a single provider to a more complex shared network that can be integrated and customised to deliver a range of services from multiple providers. 
> Emerging IP-based services such as health monitoring, security, home automation, entertainment and social networking accessible via home networks will reshape the user experience. For example, a home network could be configured to have all devices store digital media content to a centralised server that could be conveniently accessed by any device within the home, or remotely via the internet. 
> The home network of the future will require more configuration and ongoing support and will also require more co-ordination between the consumer and service providers. 
> The customer is increasingly responsible for the home network infrastructure with more emphasis on the service provider to cater for the end-to-end service requirements including some home network equipment. This is an area where information and skills may be needed to allow consumers to achieve a reliable and secure home networking experience. 
> The report provides an interesting snapshot of the converging services and of some of the associated challenges for customers grappling with networking basics. A copy of the report is available on ACMA’s website. 
> For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Emma Rossi, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7719, 0434 652 063 or
> media at acma.gov.au - or Kevin Sutherland, manager of the ACMA’s Technology Applications section, which authored the report, on (03) 9963 6886 or 0400 590 354. 
> # # # 
> The ACMA is Australia’s regulator for broadcasting, the internet, radiocommunications and telecommunications. The ACMA’s strategic intent is to make communications and media work in Australia’s public interest. For more information: www.acma.gov.au. 
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