[LINK] National Classification Scheme review commences

Philip Argy pargy at argystar.com
Thu Mar 24 09:12:46 AEDT 2011

Here's an extract from this morning's Media release:




The Government today released the final terms of reference for the review of
the National Classification Scheme following community consultation.


The review will consider issues including:

.             existing Commonwealth, State and Territory classification laws

.             the current classification categories contained in the
Classification Act, Code and Guidelines

.             the rapid pace of technological change

.             the need to improve classification information available to
the community

.             the effect of media on children and

.             the desirability of a strong content and distribution industry
in Australia.  


Mr McClelland said the ALRC last reviewed classification standards twenty
years ago.


"That review helped to develop the cooperative scheme between the
Commonwealth and the States and Territories that we have today," Mr
McClelland said.


"Given the advances in technology and media we've seen since then, it is
timely this work is undertaken.


"I've asked the ALRC to develop options for ensuring the system of
classification in Australia is able to accommodate developments in
technology in light of media convergence and the global availability of
media content."


The Minister responsible for classification, Brendan O'Connor, said
technology is fast moving and the review will examine how the classification
system can cater for advances into the future.


"A lot has changed in recent years. Australians now access content through
the Internet and mobile phones and that poses challenges for the existing
classification scheme," he said.


"We're also seeing the convergence of different technology platforms and the
worldwide accessibility of some content, which also creates new concerns,"
Mr O'Connor said.


"Australians need to be confident that our classification system will help
them make informed choices about what they choose to read, see, hear and
play," Mr O'Connor said.


"That's particularly important for parents who rely on the National
Classification Scheme to make sensible choices for their children," he said.


The appointment of a new ALRC Commissioner to work on the review will be
announced shortly. 


The ALRC has been asked to provide its final report by 30 January 2012. The
terms of reference and further information is available at www.alrc.gov.au.




As at 9.12 am the ALRC website still isn't aware of its terms of reference.




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