[LINK] Moderator Censorship

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Mon Mar 28 15:37:47 AEDT 2011

I think a lot of people here have selective reading problems...
My understanding is Robin has told a normal member of this list, they
have NO RIGHT to decide a thread gets ended or
who can post to it, this is quite correct, how about I tell you and
Irene and some other generators of noise on this list to STFU and end
this thread? What? you're screaming so loud at me I can here you out my
window, yes, so how about you think before putting words into text and
clicking that sendy button thing, lot of hyperbole on this list, and a
number of people need to get over themselves.

On Sun, 2011-03-27 at 22:41 +1000, Russell Ashdown wrote:

> This is a black day for the Link List!
> This list has always moderated itself.  I have been a member of this
> list for more than a decade and I cannot recall an instance where the
> Administrator entered the discussion to close down one or the other side.

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