[LINK] Privacy

Stephen Wilson swilson at lockstep.com.au
Tue Nov 29 05:53:56 AEDT 2011

The title of the post should be Secrecy not Privacy.

I too find it fascinating how much information is revealed by one's 
browser, but we shouldn't allow anonymity to become the headline issue 
in privacy.  It's almost a red herring.

I don't really want to be anonymous on the net, not routinely anyway.  
Instead I want organisations to properly respect my privacy.  They can 
know who I am but they're restricted in what they can do with that 
knowledge.  It's simple really. I want companies and governments to not 
re-use my personal information arbitrarily, nor to disclose it to others 
without permission.

Anonymity is a fragile state of being.  Once it's broken (and we must 
assume it will break, for there's no such thing as perfect security), we 
still need all the standard information privacy protections.


Stephen Wilson

http://lockstep.com.au <http://www.lockstep.com.au>
Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis
on digital identity and privacy.Lockstep Technologies develops unique
new smart ID solutions that enhance privacy and prevent identity theft.

On 29/11/2011 1:04 AM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> What your browser reveals ..
>   http://analyze.privacy.net/Default.asp
> Cheers,
> Stephen
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