[LINK] For the Record - All File Sharing Loss Statistics are based on Currency Manipulation Results.

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Tue Nov 29 10:13:51 AEDT 2011

Please note that all the quoted File sharing losses were from a time
period where the US Dollar was artificially inflated (against the oil

After analysis of fifteen years of data (RIAJ), ten years (RIAA) and 15
years (IPFI) I am capable of stating unequivocably that all File Sharing
losses are attributable to Foreign Exchange Arbitrage.

With the weakening dollar, future reports will obviously change track
and stop quoting losses in US dollar amounts.


Misdirection Ambiguity and Deception in Presentation of Muisc Industry
Statistics (err, Game-on-Dude).

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