[LINK] Does the NBN bring redundancy?
Richard Chirgwin
rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Wed Oct 5 18:28:56 AEDT 2011
Take iiNet in Tamworth. It buys customer access from the Tamworth POI to
households. It then buys normal fibre backhaul from Tamworth to Sydney.
The New England is a popular route on the Sydney-Brisbane haul, so
there's more than just Telstra to choose from.
On 5/10/11 5:27 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> So when I look at the NBN's own map:
> http://www.nbnco.com.au/our-network/index.html
> What are all the interconnecting lines? Are they part of the NBN or not?
> Kim
> On 2011/Oct/05, at 11:21 AM, Paul Brooks wrote:
>> On 5/10/2011 5:53 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>>> As an observer from the other side of the globe, I wonder what the
>>> policy has been by the NBN project with regards to existing fibre
>>> networks. Does the NBN bring redundancy to private networks -NBN fibre
>>> layout in parallel with existing fibre lines- or does it re-use
>>> existing fibre backbones when available?.
>> Fernando - The fibre portion of the NBN is primarily access network - the GPON bit -
>> which is most parts of the country are areas where there is no existing fibre in the
>> access network.
>> Where there is access network fibre, such as within business precincts, the NBN fibre
>> is in parallel, so an NBN connection could be a redundancy option for a fibre-based
>> service on a different fibre network.
>> Of course, if the user wants redundancy the user would want to be mindful of whether
>> both fibre cables used the same ducts and building entry points.
>> NBN might acquire dark fibre cores from an existing fibre cable, which could be
>> thought of as re-using existing cables - but at the purely passive glass level, not in
>> any active sense.
>> For long-haul fibre backbones (which is what I see in my mental picture when I see the
>> word 'backbone') the NBN is not playing in that space - service providers have to
>> approach one or more of the existing long-haul fibre network operators for
>> transmission to get to an NBN hand-off point (Point of Interconnect), and then the
>> service rides on NBN fibre from there onwards.
>>> If the later, does the NBN
>>> pay the existing fibre networks for traffic, or is there some sort of
>>> mutual agreement to let pass traffic free of charge in exchange for
>>> the use of each other´s network segments?.
>> The NBN does not exchange traffic with any other network within the NBN active
>> network. Traffic passes from an NBN-connected point through the NBN, and exits the NBN
>> into the RSPs network at the PoI.
>> Once in the RSP network of course the traffic can then be exchanged with other
>> networks in the usual way - including possibly re-entering the NBN at a PoI and being
>> carried back through the NBN to another NBN connected endpoint.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Paul.
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