[LINK] Does the NBN bring redundancy?

Jamie Sunderland Jamie.Sunderland at aarnet.edu.au
Thu Oct 6 15:40:07 AEDT 2011

Hi Richard and co...

My understanding is that NBN run GPON from the premises to the FSAM (Fibre Service Area Module) and run 10G DWDM circuits from the FSAM to the POI (Point of Interconnect) via redundant paths.  These redundant paths from the FAN to the POI may go via fibre that NBN have built or fibre/wavelengths that NBN has commercially obtained either through their Telstra deal (once it is done) or through other commercial backhaul providers.

Remembering of course that most of the trial sites are connected to temporary POIs using temporary circuits, waiting on the finalising of the Telstra deal.

So "all the interconnecting lines" are commercial backhaul that may be use to interconnect NBN SAM sites (and radio towers) in a private networks sense with the NBN POIs. ISPs (or RSPs in NBN speak) must find their own capacity from the POIs (up to 121 of them spread around the country) to get back to their capital city based PoPs.  ISPs will use their existing inter-capital capacities for their backbone networks, but obviously may need to increase capacity as tail circuit capacity and use grows with the NBN.

The NBN Regional Blackspots fibre routes will be built and operated on behalf of NBN by Netxtgen Networks for the first 5 years, after which they will be sold. (Of course Nextgen and other significant backhaul providers such as Optus, AAPT... etc will be the likely bidders).

In essence from an ISPs point of view, the NBN is 121 islands of local access fibre and radio towers which we need to interconnect - either using our own capacity, or purchasing from a wholesale backhaul provider.  The NBN however will have some level of meshing between fibre servicing areas to support redundant connections between FSAM sites, radio towers and the POIs.

The following URL has a video that best explains the engineering of the NBN that I have seen.

Jamie Sunderland
t.+61 2 9779 6971   m.0419 100 573  w. www.aarnet.edu.au

-----Original Message-----
From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Richard Chirgwin
Sent: Wednesday, 5 October 2011 6:29 PM
To: link at mailman.anu.edu.au
Subject: Re: [LINK] Does the NBN bring redundancy?


Take iiNet in Tamworth. It buys customer access from the Tamworth POI to 
households. It then buys normal fibre backhaul from Tamworth to Sydney. 
The New England is a popular route on the Sydney-Brisbane haul, so 
there's more than just Telstra to choose from.


On 5/10/11 5:27 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> So when I look at the NBN's own map:
> http://www.nbnco.com.au/our-network/index.html
> What are all the interconnecting lines?  Are they part of the NBN or not?
> Kim
> On 2011/Oct/05, at 11:21 AM, Paul Brooks wrote:
>> On 5/10/2011 5:53 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>>> As an observer from the other side of the globe, I wonder what the
>>> policy has been by the NBN project with regards to existing fibre
>>> networks. Does the NBN bring redundancy to private networks -NBN fibre
>>> layout in parallel with existing fibre lines- or does it re-use
>>> existing fibre backbones when available?.
>> Fernando - The fibre portion of the NBN is primarily access network - the GPON bit -
>> which is most parts of the country are areas where there is no existing fibre in the
>> access network.
>> Where there is access network fibre, such as within business precincts, the NBN fibre
>> is in parallel, so an NBN connection could be a redundancy option for a fibre-based
>> service on a different fibre network.
>> Of course, if the user wants redundancy the user would want to be mindful of whether
>> both fibre cables used the same ducts and building entry points.
>> NBN might acquire dark fibre cores from an existing fibre cable, which could be
>> thought of as re-using existing cables - but at the purely passive glass level, not in
>> any active sense.
>> For long-haul fibre backbones (which is what I see in my mental picture when I see the
>> word 'backbone') the NBN is not playing in that space - service providers have to
>> approach one or more of the existing long-haul fibre network operators for
>> transmission to get to an NBN hand-off point (Point of Interconnect), and then the
>> service rides on NBN fibre from there onwards.
>>> If the later, does the NBN
>>> pay the existing fibre networks for traffic, or is there some sort of
>>> mutual agreement to let pass traffic free of charge in exchange for
>>> the use of each other´s network segments?.
>> The NBN does not exchange traffic with any other network within the NBN active
>> network. Traffic passes from an NBN-connected point through the NBN, and exits the NBN
>> into the RSPs network at the PoI.
>> Once in the RSP network of course the traffic can then be exchanged with other
>> networks in the usual way - including possibly re-entering the NBN at a PoI and being
>> carried back through the NBN to another NBN connected endpoint.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Paul.
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