[LINK] Jobs not all bad

Stephen Wilson swilson at lockstep.com.au
Mon Oct 10 14:56:20 AEDT 2011

I was wondering when we would get to shouting "That wasn't a real PC; 
THIS was a REAL PC".

My objection to Fred's initial criticism was mainly about its tone.  I 
am no Apple fan boy.  I simply observe that when people dismiss 
out-of-hand Jobs' entire canon as only marketing and hype, then they 
descend into the same type of cultism that we all find so obnoxious 
amongst Jobs' acolytes.  You're substituting personality cult with geek 


Steve Wilson.

PS. I preferred the Apple II over the PET and the TRS-80 because of its 
(now ironic) open architecture.  It had slots!  So I was able, in my 
favorite home project, to wire-wrapped myself a 64KB memory card from 
Dick Smith parts.  It cost about $100 when the genuine Apple part was 
$600 if I recall right.

On 10/10/2011 10:54 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 00:39, Stephen Wilson<swilson at lockstep.com.au>  wrote:
>> He whinges that all Jobs did was repackage and market existing
>> technologies.  Would Fred seriously demean the Apple II as mere
>> repackaging of existing technologies?  I'm happy to admit that the Apple
>> II changed my life, and absolutely I subscribe to the idea it
>> revolutionised computing.
> Well, we disagree. Where do the above statement leaves the Commodore
> 8-bit computers and the 16-bit Commodore Amiga revolution?.
> I´m part of a generation who grew as kids learning how to program in
> Basic on a Commodore 64 computer hooked to the family´s 14-inch CRT TV
> set (something current generations don´t get as back then there was
> only one "display" (TV) in the house so computing time had to fight
> with TV viewing time by other family members.
> When the 16-bit Commodore Amiga was released back in 1985, it was a
> revolution. An inexpensive machine with STEREO SOUND and 32.000-colour
> mode, and REAL MULTITASKING back at the time that Jobs´s Hype-in-Tosh
> was an expensive MONOCHROME BRICK, only useful for DTP.
> Mac OS was crap before the move to the more Unix-inspired NeXT and
> subsequent OS X
> If someone deserves an obituary and praise, it´s JAY MINER, who passed
> away in 1994 without much media hype.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Miner
> Just my $0.02
> FC

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