[LINK] Jobs not all bad

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Thu Oct 13 17:34:06 AEDT 2011

Apple did invent FireWire ... They also invented a number of other non accepted standards (e.g. NUBUS ... Which was their PCI competitor, and ultimately way too slow and not expandable enough). 

Bottom line ... Apple has always been way better at software than hardware. The host of Android tablets and phones out there are way cooler and more powerful than the iPad or iPhone for example ... But from a user perspective they are nowhere near as elegant, seamless, and they perform less satisfactorily.


Sent from my iPad
On 13/10/2011, at 4:59 PM, Marghanita da Cruz <marghanita at ramin.com.au> wrote:

> Fernando Cassia wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 02:32, Marghanita da Cruz
>> <marghanita at ramin.com.au> wrote:
>>> Though Apple likes non-standard connectors. I guess Firewire was for
>>> digital video camera support for quicktime?
>> Exactly, DV digital cameras.
>> Digicams back then stored digital video on tape, and the only way to
>> get those images to a computer was by hooking em via Firewire.
>> That was around 2005. But certainly feels like decades ago. :-/
> I don't think apple can take credit for firewire, unless they implemented
> it earlier, as I was playing with this on linux on a laptop, August 2005
> <http://ramin.com.au/linux/linux-log2.html>
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DV
>> I remember some even created software that allowed the use of a DV
>> video camera with firewire as back-up media for the computer.
> This was preceded by people using Analog Video Recorders for backup (circa
> 1985)
> -- 
> Marghanita da Cruz
> http://ramin.com.au
> Tel: 0414-869202
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