[LINK] Respecting Jobs

Darrell Burkey darrell.burkey at anu.edu.au
Tue Oct 25 14:36:33 AEDT 2011

On 25/10/11, Fernando Cassia  <fcassia at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 23:42, kim holburn <kim at holburn.net> wrote:
> Besides, I don´t want to waste your time, as you should start erecting
> Canberra´s Steve Jobs statue before someone else does ;). 
Sorry to disappoint but the great builder of penis shaped statues that look like owls, Jon Stanhope, is no longer Chief Minister of the ACT. He's now a star at Uni of Canberra. 
So it's unlikely we will get a Steve Jobs statue any time soon. Unless of course it's built at UC.  :-)


Darrell Burkey
UNIX Systems Administrator
College of Asia & the Pacific
Australian National University
Ph: (02) 6125 4160

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