[LINK] Google sued by Safari user for bypassing privacy controls

Jan Whitaker jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Sun Feb 19 15:17:04 AEDT 2012

At 03:06 PM 19/02/2012, Rick Welykochy wrote:
>This points to a gaping hole in our justice system: corporate recidivism
>and the continuance of the guilty culture. They pay the fine and do no
>Solution: incarceration for those responsible.

Wow, Rick! We in the privacy advocacy business would settle, for now, 
for a right to sue! (we don't have in Australia and it's state based 
in the US, not federal, at least from a privacy perspective as far as 
I know). It's not a criminal offence here, just a 'complainable' 
offence, which is totally inadequate. Even the fines, should they 
ever be applied by the Office of the Australian Information 
Commissioner, which now houses the Privacy Commissioner, are 
negligible. I'm just glad someone is going after Google on this one.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

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