[LINK] Orwell was an optimist

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Wed Jan 4 10:00:43 AEDT 2012


> In the book 1984, the government is able to watch three things. What we say out loud, who we meet in our homes, and what we do  in our own home. They are only able to observe this as it happens; if they missed it, you are safe, but there was no way to tell if they missed it.
> Today, we have arrived at a point where the Western "free" governments can monitor:
> 	• What you say at home, and more importantly, what you think of
> 	• What news articles you read, for how long, and in what order
> 	• Your dating preferences
> 	• Your future travel plans
> 	• Your political opinions
> 	• Whom you converse with, over any channel; specifically including if you talk to a reporter or if you converse in abnormal amounts with political oddthinkers
> 	• Everything you say to anybody electronically, out loud or in text
> 	• How you move around in the city, and whom you are close to; specifically including if you are making detours from your home-to-work pattern
> 	• Your entire network of people over time
> 	• Whose thoughts you are interested in, rebroadcast, and respond to
> In addition, they can record, index, and store all of this indefinitely, to come back at you decades after the fact and question your character when the political context has changed dramatically.
> Orwell was an optimist.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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