[LINK] NextGen Publishing

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Thu Jan 12 19:55:38 AEDT 2012

At 07:39 PM 12/01/2012, TKoltai wrote:
>Although the Amazon brand is synonymous with reading material, tendrils
>are reaching out for all elements of the entertainment industry. Coming
>on the tail of the great Amazon, Google, iTunes Music Cloud playoffs,
>this initiative smacks of early mover real estate grabbing.

Amazon is a strange beast. I buy different things from there, most 
recently an ice cream maker for my sister's family for Christmas -- 
free shipping in US. They also are a store-front for all sorts of 
associates selling all kinds of things, not on the free shipping 
list, but 'findable' products. As for paper books, I did comparisons 
between them and the UK Book Depository and BD came in lower, plus 
they ship free internationally. I got the book in about a week -- at 
Christmas time! I thought that was pretty darn good.

I received two Amazon gift cards, one from same sister, another from 
a 'sister' (long story). The one from real sister was for Kindle, but 
it says cannot be used for purchases outside the US. Still, it also 
says the value is available for other purchases, and I may try the 
kindle thing anyway because I have subscribed to free kindle books 
for my laptop with no problem in the past. Not sure why they would 
care if I was getting charged one unless there are copyright issues.

Amazon is on the nose of the labour sector in the US because of 
unfair work-practices in their warehouses. So if you have an issue 
with those ideas, may want to think twice about buying physical items 
from them. At least virtual products (downloads) aren't involved in 
that aspect of the business.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

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