[LINK] Tim O'Reilly on SOPA/PIPA: Solving The Wrong Problem

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Wed Jan 18 14:00:33 AEDT 2012

On 18/01/2012 8:58 AM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> ...
>> In the entire discussion, I've seen no discussion of credible evidence of this economic harm. There's no question in my mind that piracy exists, that people around the world are enjoying creative content without paying for it, and even that some criminals are profiting by redistributing it. But is there actual economic harm?
> ...

Leaving aside for the moment the question of whether the collection of 
privileges referred to as "Intellectual Property" is so grossly 
overextended that it perverts the US constitution, I'm prepared to grant 
that there may be _some_ value in it. The problem seems to be that the 
privileged have sold the US legislature on the notion that it's 
all-important. The consequence is well known: baby out with bathwater.

I'd wager that any rigorous scientific analysis would show no or 
negligible economic impact from so-called "Piracy". In fact, it would 
probably show that "Intellectual Property" has negative impacts. Of 
course, any attempt at such analysis would immediately attract 
manipulation to the point that nobody would recognise the question, let 
alone trust the answers.

David Boxall                    |  All that is required
                                |  for evil to prevail is
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  for good men to do nothing.
                                |     -- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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