[LINK] Events [was: SMH: 'Megaupload closure hits legitimate users']

Stephen Wilson swilson at lockstep.com.au
Tue Jan 24 10:19:50 AEDT 2012

I'll add to BRD's list of upcoming conference activities.

In March I'm chairing the one day annual Digital ID World in Sydney, 
part of Terrapinn's Cards & Payments Australasia conference.  Speakers 

- "Identity Woman" Kaliya Hamlin (famous most recently for her stoush 
with Google over their hugely contentious Real Names policy)
- Susan Morrow from UK firm Avoco which does terrific R&D in "Cloud 
Identity Selectors" and hosted digital signatures
- Chris Puplick who will address Australia's opposition to ID cards
- Trevor Smallwood, AGIMO's A/Sec for Cybersecurity.

See http://www.terrapinn.com/conference/digital-id-world-australia/

We understand Identity Woman will also be involved in other public 
forums when she's here, TBA.  Stay tuned in coming weeks at 


Steve Wilson

On 24/01/2012 9:50 AM, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
> On 24/01/2012 8:47 AM, Roger Clarke wrote:
>> However, regulation and consumer protection aren't easy, but they've
>> been abandoned as principles by governments like Howard's, and not
>> reinstated by successor governments like Rullard's. So 'dog eat dog'
>> and 'caveat emptor' rule right now, particularly in exciting new
>> markets like cloudsourcing.
> If you look at what AGIMO is doing wrt the government's use of "as a
> service" offerings, starting maybe at:
> http://agimo.govspace.gov.au/2011/11/11/data-centre-as-a-service-industry-briefing-presentation/
> ... you will notice that the Australian government is very wary of
> "cloud", preferring the term "Data Centre as a Service". This is partly
> because the initiative is directly linked to the whole-of-government
> data centre strategy and partly because of the recognition that the
> meaning of the term "cloud" is not uniform across all involved -
> vendors, agencies etc. AGIMO is also going to great lengths to
> understand the strengths and weakness of such services.
> There is a draft strategic direction paper on cloud
> http://agimo.govspace.gov.au/2011/04/14/cloud-computing-strategic-direction-paper/
> which could not be accused of blindly jumping in.
> And PM&C is working on a cybersecurity paper, due out this year.
> AGIMO is well across what other governments are doing and you'll
> probably see press reports of visitors from the UK and USA busy talking
> at various events and to lots of people here in Australia during February.
> e.g.
> http://www.aiia.com.au/news/78278/AIIA-to-bring-cloud-expert-Vivek-Kundra-to-Australia.htm
> and
> http://www.futuregov.asia/events/advanced-government-cloud-forum-australia-2012/speakers/
> When it comes to promoting the creation and use of cloud services in
> Australia, DBCDE is doing its own thing.
> e.g AIIA signs MoU with DBCDE to drive the development of the Digital
> Economy in Australia
> http://www.aiia.com.au/news/70007/
> Declaration of interest: I'm working at AGIMO on various aspects of the
> data centre strategy.

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