[LINK] The Right to Be Forgotten

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Sun Jan 29 10:00:51 AEDT 2012

A few more issues regarding data.

On LinkedIn, I m connected to a friend who died nearly three years ago. 
I doubt that anyone has his password and maybe his family doesn't even 
know of the existence of his LinkedIn account. I don't even know if I 
can unlink to him.

In general, what happens to a person's accounts when they die?

Regarding Cloud data. There is a concept called Forensic Delete which 
means the complete deletion of all data that meet a particular criteria. 
For example, a court might order an organisation to remove all incorrect 
data about a particular person or event from its records.

If the data is in the cloud, how can the organisation demonstrate it has 
complied? Can the cloud service provider guarantee to remove all those 
data? How can the cloud service provider delete data from a backed-up 
database, without a) destroying data integrity and b) without running 
the database applications, to which they don't have access?

The behaviour of data is a complex issue, as the eHealth people are 
finding out.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
email:   brd at iimetro.com.au
website: www.drbrd.com

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