[LINK] Green PCs

andrew clarke mail at ozzmosis.com
Sat Jun 2 22:58:19 AEST 2012

On Thu 2012-05-31 09:30:06 UTC+0000, stephen at melbpc.org.au (stephen at melbpc.org.au) wrote:

> Have been seeing excellent reviews of the new Fujitsu Esprimo Q900 PC.
> It's around half the size of an A4 page. And with just a 13-watt power 
> consumption (idle mode) and a 90% energy efficient power supply at 50% 
> load (87% efficiency at 100% load) they'd certainly appear a PC PC. It
> may make a great PC Benchmark Performance for energy-ratings in future
> in terms of possible/probable appliance green-performance legislation?
> http://www.fujitsu.com/au/products/pc/desktops/q900
> http://www.fujitsu.com/au/products/pc/desktops/q900/specs.html

Also worth looking at is the HP ProLiant Microserver.  It reportedly
uses about 30 watts idle with a single HDD installed.  Sans monitor,
they retail for about $AU250.


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