[LINK] Electricity prices

Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net mskeggs at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 18:22:14 AEDT 2012

On 21 March 2012 16:46,  <stephen at melbpc.org.au> wrote:
> "Australians Now Pay Near to the Highest Electricity Prices in the World"
> http://www.euaa.com.au/whats_new/index.htm
> http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2012/s3460106.htm

I don't argue that Australians pay pretty high power bills, and we get
a pretty high grade of service (the power just works >99.99% of the
This report is a little disengenious, however, comparing Australian
prices to EU averages, the US and Japan to reach its conclusions.
Instead, checking the table per country, we see Australia's most
expensive state is still below Denmark and Germany. If one were to
take the Australia wide average (as has been taken for all other
countries except the US) it would appear we pay around what the
Cypriots, Danes, Japanese, Swedes, Belgians, Italians and Austrians
pay, give or take a couple of cents.
And if the US was listed as a single entity instead of 50 states,
their 14c average kWh charge would be low, but would eliminate 49 of
the entries with cheaper power than Australia.
So, on the whole, Australia pays a bit above average for OECD countries.
The report also notes there is a substantial exchange rate effect
(mineral boom times), and when compared using purchasing power parity
figure, we pay about what other countries do, North America being a
notable exception.
I don't feel especially outraged.

Michael Skeggs

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