[LINK] Oh, the futility!

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Sat May 19 15:25:36 AEST 2012

Received a message from my ISP, encouraging me to apply for NBN 
satellite. The first step in the application process is to establish 
that satellite is my only option. The Broadband Service Locator 
<https://bcoms.dbcde.gov.au/NBNBSL/startup.do> suggested BigPond 
wireless, but no ADSL ISPs (my place is 14 kilometres from the exchange, 
so I can't get ADSL).

I duly contacted BigPond, only to be told that the NextG signal at my 
place wouldn't support broadband. Not surprising; mobile coverage is 
patchy at best.

On to the next step <https://bcoms.dbcde.gov.au/NBNBSL/getCustomer.do>, 
which demanded that I contact two ISPs for an ADSL service. The 
Broadband Service Locator had already established that ADSL is not 
available. I guess the two forms use different databases.

I contacted IINet and BigPond (again). Staff at both call centres seemed 
wearily accepting of the situation.

Somebody has to pay for the wasted call centre time. I wonder how much 
money could have been saved by a little more care with <dbcde.gov.au> 
site coding.

David Boxall                    |  In a hierarchical organization,
                                |  the higher the level,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  the greater the confusion.
                                |                     --Dow's Law.

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