[LINK] Pedagogy in the age of the Internet

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Sat May 26 10:47:12 AEST 2012

On 26/05/2012 8:48 AM, Tom Worthington wrote:
> ...
> In the end, there is no web index to the truth. Each of us has to decide
> on the evidence for ourselves.
> ...
I guess that's the problem. There's just so much information that few of 
us have the resources to judge effectively. It's distressingly easy for 
those who seek to deceive.

I think it was Will Rodgers who commented that everyone is ignorant - 
just about different things. I've been surprised at how easily people 
allow themselves to be tricked into believing that they understand 
enough to judge outrageously complex science.

David Boxall                    |  All that is required
                                |  for evil to prevail is
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  for good men to do nothing.
                                |     -- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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