[LINK] Roles and Responsibilities of System Administrators

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Thu Sep 27 07:51:08 AEST 2012


Care to elaborate on "grep"?

Tom Koltai wrote:
> Could I suggest that disaffected archivists get together with 
> disaffected systems admins and utilise "grep" along with a few if 
> string="buzzwordoftheday"'s to regain ground stolen by Google and 
> forward copies of Archivists written abstracts to a non-affiliated Grey 
> think tank so the goodies can become accepted science.


More Notes on Roles & Resp of Info Sys Admin
[LINK] Data Centers Waste Vast Amounts of Energy, Belying Industry Image -

> [LINK] FW: Grey literature conference at NLA in October
Marghanita da Cruz
Ramin Communications (Sydney)
Website: http://ramin.com.au
Phone:(+612) 0414-869202

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