[LINK] Our future Generation being looked after by our Government

Paul Brooks pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au
Fri Feb 1 13:04:11 AEDT 2013

On 1/02/2013 12:19 PM, grove at zeta.org.au wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2013, Paul Brooks wrote:
>> On 1/02/2013 11:09 AM, Michael Skeggs mike at bystander.net wrote:
>>> And to bring it back to the list topic, I was surprised and impressed when
>>> my 11yro returned from her first day of high school yesterday to tell me
>>> they had learnt binary in Maths.
>> Similarly, I was very impressed when my 9yo came home from school, spotted the new
>> webcam I had perched on the monitor, and was aghast that it didn't have a privacy
>> shutter that could be put across the lens when not in use.
>> He wouldn't leave until it had a post-it note stuck across it, after several weeks of
>> cyber-safety sessions at school.
>> Tom - the cotton hat is to block UV radiation, not alpha, beta or gamma particles. For
>> those you'll need your tinfoil akubra.
> Gamma, alpha and beta particles are readily absorbed at the upper levels of the
> ionosphere
> and magnetosphere.  Otherwise earth would be a rocky, slushy ball of lifeless muck...

Only those from outside the atmosphere.  Particles from bananas, brazil nuts and the
granite wall can get to you - but then I suppose a hat won't protect one from those,

(must be Friday)

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