[LINK] Wind power

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sun Feb 3 04:48:09 AEDT 2013



"When it comes to the future of wind power one company thinks it looks
different than you would expect, and, a lot cheaper and more efficient".

Saphon, out of Tunisia, is interested in finding partners to mass-produce 
and market their unique wind-energy device, based on their own Zero Blade 

"No noise, no insomnia, no headaches, and no danger at all to wildlife."

"The Zero-Blade Technology is largely inspired from the sailboat and is 
likely to double the efficiency of the current wind power conversion 
devices. The blades are replaced by a sail shaped body while both hub and 
gearbox are removed." 

According to the company, their zero-blade technology devices are capable 
of overcoming the Betz' limit, which states that no turbine can capture 
more than 59.3 percent of the kinetic energy of the wind. 

An average wind turbine captures 30 to 40%, while the Saphon turbine is 
said to be 2.3 times more efficient. 

Additionally, the cost is expected to be 45% less than a conventional 
turbine due to the fact that there are no blades, no hub, and no gearbox.

The Saphon Zero Blade technology is different in other ways as well, most 
significantly being storage of energy. Most of the kinetic energy can be 
stored (via a hydraulic accumulator) or converted to electricity with a 
hydraulic motor and generator.

"We've developed several prototypes. We are at our second generation 
prototype. We did the testing and this second one is twice as efficient 
as a three blade turbine and in terms of manufacturing is at least 50 
percent cheaper." - Hassine Labaied 

The company is now looking for manufacturing partners to bring the 
turbine to market ..


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