[LINK] Au sites and resources serious lagging

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Feb 5 23:11:22 AEDT 2013

Yes, something seems to be going on. Most web requests ok now from here 
(Optus wireless, country Vic) but Whirlpool.net.au would not resolve for
a while, and both Tracert times and hops to telstra.com.au were much more
than usual. Not positive one should blame it on sunburnt satelites though.

> As a backup I seriously suggest obtaining an alternative feed asap as I
> am expecting satelite based Internet to become almost unusable in the 
> near future; (although you have a good selection amongst European 
> providers.... try Orange) ....  There is more fibre crossing and
> recrossing that Gulf than most people realise. It's almost worse
> than the Thai, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam Taiwan basin. TomK

Sure the SE Asia triangle area looks busy with cable, but, the east-west
Atlantic corridor looks like it'd glow. http://www.submarinecablemap.com


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