[LINK] NBN Wireless?
Kim Holburn
kim.holburn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 16:38:18 AEDT 2013
There you go, the term quantum leap could technically mean lots of things but the common usage means a big change, or more likely since most people do not understand anything much about quantum mechanics it probably means a change that is inconceivable.
Oh and in the interests of disclosure: I have never been to Eddie Obeid's ski chalet. I've never even been invited.
On 2013/Feb/06, at 4:14 PM, Paul Brooks wrote:
> On 06/02/2013 14:53, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> (Alhough I must say, when our Senator claims "this is a quantum leap for
>> broadband service" it's a bit of a worry. Quantum Leaps are the SMALLEST
>> distance imaginable .. the distance electrons jump from one energy level
>> to another when emitting photons of light. So one hopes that's not true)
> To be pedantic, in general terms 'quantum' refers to any measurable property which is
> not continuous - where the property is restricted to discrete, distinct values without
> ever existing at the values in between. Yes, electrons can 'quantum leap' in energy
> levels, and in position - but manual vehicle gearboxes are also quantised systems. The
> Senator is actually correct.
> Paul.
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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