[LINK] Cost Of Living
Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net
mskeggs at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 11:42:40 AEDT 2013
I too, feel very strongly about this.
The standard of living in Australia is almost uniformly higher than
Singapore's by almost any measure (I'll give them public transport as a
While Singapore offers a low-tax, high-ish income state, it suffers from
repressive government, limited social services and problems related to
Go and watch the 70 year olds working in McDonalds in Singapore and explain
to me again why an Australian fixed income neighbour is hurting in
Singapore and Hong Kong are pretty much the epitome of a 'dog eat dog'
societies, where misfortune or poor planning can result in destitution, and
where inequality is very high (see GINI coefficients).
I'll resist any approach that throws the vulnerable and less fortunate
aside for increased income for the rich, and you should too.
SG and HK are terrible models for a compassionate society.
And if you think that our federal governments have much to do with cost of
living pressures, you'll have to do something to convince me. At best, I
suspect the federal government can make a minor impact one way or another.
In Australia we have free health care, subsidised or free housing for
economically disadvantaged citizens, substantial welfare support for the
vulnerable, free education to secondary level and subsidised tertiary
education and, of course, country areas enjoy subsidised government
services at a rate significantly above those in cities (roads, social
services, facilities etc).
And to bring it back on topic, shortly a national broadband network
offering speeds that the private sector has failed to deliver over the last
umpteen years.
If you are explicitly arguing for reduced welfare payments, reduced
government services and other cuts to lower the "cost of living" then
please say so, and list the things you think we could do without.
Michael Skeggs
PS - not that I don't think both are amazing places, just not somewhere I
would willingly live or hope to emulate.
On 11 February 2013 15:03, <stephen at melbpc.org.au> wrote:
> >
> > In the words of that great philosopher, Homer - D'oh.
> According to the Wall Street Journal ..
> "Yet another wealth report has put tiny Singapore on the top of its
> charts – this time, as the wealthiest nation in the world by GDP per
> capita .. beating out Hong Kong ..
> And, the 'richest nation in the world' Singapore rates 63rd in terms
> of cost of living, and Hong Kong rates 147th in world cost of living.
> D'oh.. note to Wayne .. yes it's your government stupid. Forgive one
> Linkers for political comment, but, I feel hot about this topic. And
> in our small town, the plight of my fixed-income neighbours hurts :(
> Cheers,
> Stephen
> <http://blogs.wsj.com/searealtime/2012/08/15/singapore-home-to-the-worlds-
> richest-people/>
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