[LINK] Alternatives to Skype

Rachel Polanskis grove at zeta.org.au
Sat Feb 16 09:43:04 AEDT 2013

I have also been looking at Jitsi.
It seems to have a lot of activity going around it and rapidly developing solid support.
As predicted, Microsoft did its usual trick and started dumbing down the non-MS client,
for example, on OSX Lion and later, if you used a bluetooth headset, it will magically 
no longer properly work with the latest Skype although the device works with
everything else.   As my workplace has slowly subsumed commonsense in favour
of Microsoftisation, I am now forced to install Skype, and via Vsphere, some kind of
60gb Windows monstrosity to run a web console to host Linux VM's.   On the one hand
MS is impacting my job more than ever, while in the real world, they continue to struggle
with their Mudguard^H^H^H^HSurface and Windows-8.   But the MS shell game goes 
on - embrace, adopt, extend, lockin and dumb down. 


rachel polanskis 
<r.polanskis at uws.edu.au> 
<grove at zeta.org.au>

On 16/02/2013, at 5:04, Fernando Cassia <fcassia at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Rick Welykochy <rick at vitendo.ca> wrote:
>> It is time for an open source and open policy talk system
>> on the Internet. I am keeping my eye out for alternatives to
>> Skype and Google Talk.
>> http://tinyurl.com/a7db9cd
> Jitsi. It just works. Supports the open SIP voip standard, text chat
> (jabber) and video-conference. Plus you can configure it to use your
> existing Google chat, etc...
> www.jitsi.org
> just my $0.02
> FC
> -- 
> During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
> Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
> Acto Revolucionario
> - George Orwell
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