[LINK] security myths
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stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Feb 16 18:02:03 AEDT 2013
"Thirteen IT security myths debunked"
By Ellen Messmer (Network World) 15 February, 2013 23:19
They're security myths ... oft-repeated and generally accepted notions
about IT security ... that simply aren't true.
As we did a year ago, we've asked security professionals to share their
favorite "security myths" with us. Here are thirteen of them.
Security Myth #1: "Anti-virus is protecting you against malware in an
efficient way."
Raimund Genes, Trend Micro CTO, says businesses use anti-virus because
otherwise, "your auditors would kill you if you didn't run A/V." But A/V
can't reliably protect against a targeted attack because before it's
launched, attackers have checked to make sure it won't be caught by A/V
Security Myth #2: "Governments create the most powerful cyberattacks."
John Pescatore, director of emerging security trends at SANS, says most
government attacks are simply re-using criminal-owned attack resources.
And the U.S. Department of Defense likes to hype the threat from nation
states to boost its budget. The sad truth is that denial-of-service
attacks against banking Web sites such as Citibank can be stopped but
there hasn't been enough effort to do that. And governments going after
other governments for espionage is nothing new, with China, the U.S.,
France, Russia and others at it for decades.
Pescatore also has two other favorite myths that concern cloud security
that put together are contradictions in themselves: that "cloud services
can never be secure" because they're shared services that can change
whenever they want to, and the second that "the cloud is more secure
because the providers do it for a living." About these two contradictory
myths, Pescatore points out, "Many of the providers, like Google, Amazon,
etc. did not build their clouds to provide enterprise class services or
protect other people's information. In fact, Google built a very powerful
cloud expressly to collect and expose other people's information via its
search services."
But Pescatore also points out that e-mail-based cloud services from
Google and Microsoft, for example, have so far shown that when customer
data was exposed, it was very rarely the fault of the provider and could
mostly be ascribed to phishing attacks on customers. But the enterprise
customer is still grappling with how to appropriately change its
processes to match the cloud service providers in terms of incident
Security Myth #3: "All our accounts are in Active Directory and under
Tatu Ylonen, inventor of SSH and CEO of SSH Communications Security, says
this misconception is common, but most organizations have set up and
largely forgotten functional accounts used by applications and automated
processes, often managed by encryption keys and never audited. "Many
large organizations have more keys configured to access their production
servers than they have user accounts in Active Directory," Ylonen points
out. "And these keys are never changed, never audited and not controlled.
The whole identity and access managed field generally manages interactive
user accounts, and consistently ignores automated access by machines."
But these keys intended for automated access can be used for attacks and
virus spread if not properly managed.
Security Myth #4: "Risk management techniques are needed for IT security."
Richard Stiennon, chief research analyst at IT-Harvest, says although
risk management "has become the accepted managerial technique," in
reality "it focuses on an impossible task: identifying IT assets and
ranking their value." No matter how this is attempted, it "will not
reflect the value that attackers place on intellectual property."
Stiennon argues "the only practice that will actually improve an
enterprise's ability to counter targeted attacks is threat management
which entails deep understanding of adversaries and their targets and
Security Myth #5: "There are 'best practices' for application security."
Jeremiah Grossman, CTO at WhiteHat Security, says security professionals
commonly advocate for "best practices" thought to be "universally
effective" and worthy of investment since they're "essential for
everyone." These include software training, security testing, threat
modeling, web application firewalls, and a "hundred other activities."
But he thinks this typically overlooks the uniqueness of each operational
Security Myth #6: "Zero-day exploits are a factor of life and impossible
to predict or effectively respond to."
Zero-day exploits are those targeting network vulnerabilities not yet
generally known. But H.D. Moore, CSO at Rapid7 and creator of the
Metasploit penetration-testing tool, thinks to the contrary,
that "security professionals can actually do a good job of predicting and
avoiding problematic software. "If the organization depends on any
software that is 'impossible' to function without, there should be a plan
in place for what to do if that software becomes a security risk.
Selective enablement and limiting the privileges that the software
receives are both good strategies." He also says another favorite
security myth is that "You can tell how secure a product or service is
based on the number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities." He says a
good example is the notion that "WordPress is terrible, look at how many
vulnerabilities have been found so far!" But he says "the deep history of
software flaws can be the natural result of a piece of software becoming
popular." Moore concludes, "By contrast, there are dozens of products
with no published flaws that are often much less secure than a better-
known and more widely audited application. In short, the number of
security flaws published for a piece of software is a terrible metric for
how secure the latest version of that software is."
Security Myth #7: "The U.S. electric grid is well-protected under the
North American Electric Reliability Corp.'s "Critical Infrastructure
Protection" (CIP) requirements."
Joe Weiss, managing partner at Applied Control Solutions, argues that's a
myth because CIP, drawn up by the industry itself, applies only to bulk
distribution of power, not the entire distribution system, and also
specifies only a certain size of power generation. "80% of the generation
in the U.S. doesn't have to be looked at under CIP."
Security Myth #8: "I am compliant, therefore I am secure."
Bob Russo, general manager at the PCI Security Standards Council, says
it's a common notion that businesses think once they get compliant with
the data-security rules for payment cards, they're "secure once and for
all." But checking the box for compliance only represents a "snapshot in
time" while security is a continual process related to people, technology
and processes.
Security Myth #9: "Security is the chief information security officer's
Phil Dunkelberger, president and CEO at start-up Nok Nok Labs, says the
CISO is going to get the blame for a data breach, mainly because their
job has them setting a policy or technical course. But many others in the
organization, especially the IT operations people, also "own security"
and they need to shoulder more responsibility for it.
Security Myth #10: "You're safer on your mobile device than on the
Dr. Hugh Thompson, RSA Conference Program Committee Chair, contends that
while this "frequent assumption" has some merit, it underestimates how
some traditional safeguards for computers, such as masked passwords and
URL previewing, don't apply to mobile devices today. "So while mobile
devices still offer more security safeguards than laptops or desktops,
several traditional security practices that are broken can leave you just
as vulnerable."
Security Myth #11: "You can be 100% secure but you need to give up
personal freedoms."
Stuart McClure, CEO and president of start-up Cylance, says don't buy the
argument that to combat the bad guys online, we have to "submit all our
traffic to the government to do it." Better to get to know the bad guys
really well and "predict their moves, their tools," and "get into their
Security Myth #12: "Point-in-time security is all you need to stop
Martin Roesch, founder of Sourcefire and inventor of the Snort intrusion-
detection system, says security defense too often is limited to catching
or not catching any type of attack, and if it's missed, that
defense "practically ceases to be a factor in the unfolding follow-on
activities of an attacker." A newer model of security operates
continuously to update information even if the initial attack on the
network is missed in order to understand the scope of the attack and
contain it.
Security Myth #13: "With the right protection, attackers can be kept out."
Scott Charney, Microsoft corporate vice president Trustworthy Computing,
says, "We often associate security with keeping people out; locks on our
doors, firewalls on our computers. But the reality is that even with
sophisticated security strategies and excellent operations, a persistent
and determined attacker will eventually find a way to break in.
Acknowledging that with reality, we should think differently about
security." For the entire security community, that means a "protect,
contain and recover" approach to combat threats today and in the future.
Ellen Messmer is senior editor at Network World, an IDG publication and
website, where she covers news and technology trends related to
information security. Twitter: MessmerE. E-mail: emessmer at nww.com.
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