[LINK] eHealth = pink batts
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Mon Feb 18 09:41:07 AEDT 2013
Numbers for eHealth lagging
Tim Barlass
Published: February 17, 2013 - 3:00AM
THE federal government's controversial eHealth system to get the
nation's medical records available online has had a dismal uptake
from the public and the medical profession.
The scheme has been compared to the government's bungled roof
insulation system by the Coalition's eHealth spokesman, Andrew
Southcott, who called it ''Pink Batts on steroids''.
The eHealth scheme was launched with fanfare in July, with an
advertising truck touring Australia to encourage 500,000 people to
register in the first year. The Health Minister, Tanya Plibersek,
declared: ''We estimate eHealth will save the federal government
around $11 billion over 15 years. That's pretty good bang for your buck.''
But the bang appears to have turned to a fizzle after a parliamentary
estimates committee was told that only 56,761 people had registered.
Mr Southcott said that of 560,000 health practitioners nationwide,
1325 had registered.
The system has also crashed in the past, according to Mukesh
Haikerwal, a GP and former Australian Medical Association president
who is helping the National E-Health Transition Authority with the
introduction of the scheme.
Dr Haikerwal has toured the country to tell the medical profession
about eHealth and will be in Sydney this week.
He said he was one of the few doctors linked into the complete
eHealth service and went live with it at his Melbourne practice in
mid-December to test the system. ''When I logged on, I got thrown out
and was told the service was not available. It crashed. I contacted
the Health Department and they said it hadn't crashed - but then I
sent them a screen grab. Then they admitted we have had a crash. If
the Qantas website was like this, you would say, 'I will go to the
travel agent instead.'
''The potential is great but all the snags around the country need to
be addressed. The end-users want this to work but it is a bit of a
hard sell at the moment. When you do use it, there's not an awful lot
on there. The way it is at the moment, I would struggle to know why I
would use it.''
Mr Southcott said: ''We are three years down the track with almost $1
billion spent and nothing to show for it. It's Pink Batts on steroids.''
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Ageing said: ''We've
always said that this is a marathon, not a sprint.''
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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