[LINK] Agimo info site frustrations (was going to say sucks)

John Hilvert john.hilvert at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 13:44:53 AEDT 2013

Try the indispensable Pia Waugh. She looks after the site, these days. I've
cc'd her for your convenience.

Link checkers only alert to broken links not inappropriate or incorrect

She responds promptly and effectively to notices of anomalous links, I've

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Jan Whitaker <jwhit at janwhitaker.com>wrote:

> This is nuts.
> Have you tried to use this site lately to find anything?
> http://agimo.gov.au/category/procurement/open-source/
> Tell me what years those items were written in. Where are the actual
> documents? Some young thing got onto BLOG style and has lost the plot
> in my opinion. (sorry if the designer is a Link member -- I am very
> frustrated by this right now)
> I was doing research to find an article for my class based on a link
> used last term and I was redirected to a  general place that said
> nothing about the topic for which the link originally applied!
> So here is Ann Steward's article:
> http://agimo.gov.au/2011/07/01/open-source-software-guide/
> Which has a link to the guide:
> http://www.finance.gov.au/e-government/infrastructure/open-source-software.html
> And I get redirected once again to the crap say nothing page which
> has nothing to do with the original post!
> I'm tired of going around in circles. Any advice as to how I find
> this guide????? (can you tell I'm running out of patience?)
> Plus the site is painfully slow.
> I did find it by putting the title into Google, but why couldn't they
> just manage their own published content correctly?
> http://agimo.gov.au/files/2012/04/AGuidetoOpenSourceSoftware.pdf
> Of course I have no idea if this is still an approved document....but
> that's another problem altogether with information management.
> Jan
> Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> jwhit at janwhitaker.com
> blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
> business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
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John Hilvert

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