[LINK] comparison of OO and LO

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 10:26:41 AEDT 2013

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Jan Whitaker <jwhit at janwhitaker.com> wrote:
> - says that both install JRE,

JRE is no longer packaged with Apache OpenOffice, you have to install
it yourself if you want wizards functionality or the Database
component to work. The program tells you so if it detects no JRE is

I´d say wait until the upcoming Apache OpenOffice 4.0 which will
incorporate the Lotus Symphony code base donated by IBM to the
project, to make up your mind. The reason why both are "mostly the
same" until now is that they shared a common code base, but as time
goes on, the two products will start to diverge.

I´m happy with AOO and plan to stick with it simply because I can´t
stand the politics of Novell and some of the so-called freedom
fighters that opposed the Sun Contributor Agreement and the
dual-licensing OO.o had before becoming AOO.

PS: Truth be told, I read something about MS Publisher support in the
last LO update. But I don´t care about that since last time I used MS
Publisher was in 1994 and it was the 16-bit version under Windows 3.11

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