[LINK] Is this a portent of things to come?

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Wed Jun 19 20:36:28 AEST 2013

On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 20:10 +1000, Ross Kelso wrote:
> The problem was caused by some corrupt Programing Guide (EPG) data
> sent from the NINE Network.  EPG data is sent periodically and
> automatically to your TV to update the in-built Channel-Guide. In this
> instance, the corrupt data clashed with the software [...]

Back in the 80's, PJ Plauger presented Plauger's Dogma: "No program
shall leave its sanity at the mercy of its input".

That is, the problem was not bad data from Nine. The problem was bad
programming in the Bravia.

You'd think we programmers would have it together by now...

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

GPG fingerprint: B862 FB15 FE96 4961 BC62 1A40 6239 1208 9865 5F9A
Old fingerprint: AE1D 4868 6420 AD9A A698 5251 1699 7B78 4EEE 6017

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