[LINK] great video to motivate computer studies in young people

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Sun Mar 3 01:40:31 AEDT 2013

What most schools don't teach

The subject says it all, a youtube video worth watching and propagating.


Brenda Aynsley, FACS CP, ACS Honorary Life Member
Chair IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) 2011-13
Honorary Secretary SA Branch ACS
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0)412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo/Twitter: baynsley
Phone:+61(0)8 7127 0107 Fax:+61(0)8 8272 7486
Mobile when I am out of Australia: +372 5408 0036
*Produced by Ubuntu and Mozilla Thunderbird*

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