[LINK] NSW evoting system for next state election

Rick Welykochy rick at vitendo.ca
Tue Apr 1 12:54:31 AEDT 2014

Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 12:06 PM 1/04/2014, Christopher Vance wrote:
>> The Scytl code is written in Java. When I worked on it, the VEC
>> implementation was using Red Hat Linux and Oracle.
> Yay, someone with at least some knowledge!
> Chris, does this mean the user must have Java installed on their
> computer? I can see this being a security and voter support nightmare.
If Java is indeed required on the client, be very concerned. The vulnerabilities
for that language keep cropping up.

Advice to all users browsing the Internet: disable Java. Just say no to it.

For the latest, search the web for "more vulnerabilities found in java".


Rick Welykochy || Vitendo Consulting

On social media, it is easy to mistake popularity for credibility.
      -- Kevin Ashton

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