[LINK] From my friend re NBN change

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Fri Dec 12 23:03:26 AEDT 2014


Telstra is also encouraging existing customers to sign uo for new deals which include a new router.

I'm guessing (and this is my nasty suspicious nature at work) that the new routers are all models that Telstra is using to implement its "Gee Whiz Wow' Last Gen Public WiFi network ... with the public IP turned on by default. That raises all sorts of security considerations for me, as well as the fact that I'm providing Telstra with the power to run their network gratis, and presumably sharing my bandwidth and getting lower performance in times of high public IP demand as the router struggles to juggle two competing data streams.

I'm currently considering dropping my landline, reverting to an ADSL connection with a third party ISP for about 2/3 of the costs, and using my mobile as my major phone, as Telstra has penny ante'd its way into my heart way too much of late.

Just my 2 cents worth ...
> On 12 Dec 2014, at 4:10 pm, Jim Birch <planetjim at gmail.com> wrote:
> Paul Brooks wrote:
>> 3. Telstra appear to be forcing all NBN connections to buy and connect a
>> Telstra-provided home gateway/router to the NBN connection to provide the
>> telephone
>> service as VoIP using the Telstra gateway, not using the in-built VoIP
>> capability of
>> the NBN box.
> Is there a technical or commercial reason for this?  It's a fairly onerous
> constraint to go to a telstra router if you want to do anything non
> standard with your connection (as I would.)
> Jim
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