[LINK] Australian online news history

Andy Farkas andyf at andyit.com.au
Fri Jan 10 17:02:12 AEDT 2014

On 09/01/14 22:40, Fiona Martin wrote:
> I have very little on locally produced, pre-internet and pre-web news publications or services – and would like to include mention of examples of both specialist and generalist news sources from this period.

Hi Fiona,

My very first job after I left uni in 1985 was with 'Your Computer' magazine
published by Federal Publishing Company (Hannanprint Group), Sydney. It 
the latest and greatest hardware and software for the home hobbyist, 
like things
you could plug into your S100 bus, CP/M software, and this new-fangled thing
called an IBM-PC/AT. Editor's name was Jake Kennedy.

Not much about it on the interwebs, and the wikipedia article seems a little
bit wrong with some of its facts compared to my memories... it was a 
long time

I do know I was Sysop of the BBS we ran (you could connect at 2400 bps!).
It was pretty busy most of the time. I even found an old nodelist from 1987:


(search for "Your_Computer" - its near EOF)

I hope somebody has some issues stashed away in the attic somewhere, as
last I heard, the place burnt down a few years after I left.


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