[LINK] The Open Government Partnership

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Jan 20 22:33:00 AEDT 2014

Janet writes,

>>> http://www.opengovpartnership.org
>>> One must deplore Australia's achievements in embracing open government.
> Perhaps it would be good if there was a way to find all of the different
> kinds of open discussions .. 
> Sometimes it can be hard to find them.

Very true. And any such State & Federal 'directory' would be a fine start.

>>We have the tools. True open governance is a two-way process. Trust folk
>>to be involved in what Australia does. Do not hide behind a 13th century
>>governing structure, with people sitting in the rain collecting petition
>>signatures in main street, for our government which will never read them
> What do you have in mind? (Which aspects of government? What kind of
> interaction?)

Any and all kinds of open government interactions. For example here below
is the FIRST Mission Statement for an Open Government Partnership and for
which Australia has signed on for, and, plans to fully join in April 2014.


Mission And Goals: (Quote)

"The Open Government Partnership’s vision is that more governments become
sustainably more transparent, more accountable, and more responsive to
their own citizens, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of
governance, as well as the quality of services that citizens receive.

This will require a shift in norms and culture to ensure genuine dialogue
and collaboration between governments and civil society. 

OGP aspires to support both government and civil society reformers by
elevating open government to the highest levels of political discourse.."
(End quote)

So, has anyone noticed the Coalition government, and our civil society,
engaging in "the highest levels of political discourse" anytime lately? 

To fulfill this very first goal of the world Open Government Partnership
which Australia joined, we have a looong way to go, in a very short time.


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