[LINK] NBN Malcolm style

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Mon Jan 26 14:14:26 AEDT 2015

NBN Co has a demonstration room at North Sydney where they show examples 
of the original design and the new designs. The original fibre all the 
way is clean, neat, simple, junction boxes intended to be underground, 
and has a terminal box in your house with an optional battery.

The new designs are humungous cabinets (to protect from people and 
vehicles colliding with them), fully weather proof (they will be out in 
the open), full of electronics, batteries and other engineering 
silliness as predicted by Frank, below.

 From an engineering perspective it's stupid, shortsighted and, as frank 
says, will require an expensive upgrade to what it should have been in 
the first place.

And the people who are responsible for this debacle are going to be 
involved in the Digital Transformation Office?

I shudder to think what they will come up with.

On 25-Jan-15 11:19 AM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
> Mmmm,
> Makes just about as much technical sense as the MTM design does.
> I can see the design meeting now: "OK, we need to design a multi-technology rather than single technology network with as many possible points of failure as possible. 60-80,000 possible points of failure ... lets call them ‘nodes’ … would be great for a start … the rest we can make up from the copper bits that fail with monotonous regularity even now. Under no circumstances do we test the design in real world conditions. It’s got to be maintenance and repair intensive, and to connect to a last yard which will make its performance comparable with the network it is replacing. After all, our Estimates people are quite sure that Australians will need no more than 15Mbs in 10 years time. The client end of the network must have comparatively humungous power requirements, and huge copper replacement costs built in. The cost of upgrading it to a serious 21st century network has be at least twice the build cost, and the build cost for the already obsolete network has to be so astronomical that everybody at this table will be remembered as White Elephant Creators Extroadinaire. Oh, and no matter what happens … we don’t listen to network experts, we don’t monitor the far more scalable, powerful and capable networks that have already been installed overseas, or are in the process of being installed, and we all spout phrases like ‘World’s Best Practice’ any time we are questioned about it. Our leader, Mr Broadband, has spoken."
> Just my 2 cents worth …
> ---
>> On 25 Jan 2015, at 10:54 am, Jan Whitaker <jwhit at janwhitaker.com> wrote:
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>> Jan
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Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
email: brd at iimetro.com.au
web:   www.drbrd.com
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