[LINK] Fwd: No battery backup

Paul Brooks pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au
Mon Mar 2 17:13:34 AEDT 2015

On 2/03/2015 9:17 AM, Jeremy Visser wrote:
> On 01/03/15 22:07, Paul Brooks wrote:
>> Other ISPs use the NBN voice ports to provide telephony - Telstra does not.
> This is no longer true as of mid-2013.  Telstra provides voice services over the UNI-V port.
Telstra retail Bigpond, or Telstra Wholesale?

Voice-only services, or voice+data bundles?

My understanding is that Telstra Bigpond retail, providing a voice+Internet bundle,
require the customer to take a Telstra Home Gateway, and use the PSTN ports on the
Telstra gateway to provide dial tone, the Ethernet ports on the Telstra gateway to
provide the Internet, and the Telstra gateway connects to the NBN NTU using a UNI-D port.
Glad to be updated if this is no longer correct?


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