[LINK] Voice on the NBN

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sat Sep 10 16:13:42 AEST 2016

I have iinet transact vdsl2.  It comes with a modem that has a pots outlet that you can plug your phone into if that's the way you want to go.  They can port your Telstra landline number to it if you want.

For a number of years I previously had a gigaset DECT VOIP phone on internode naked ADSL.  Unfortunately while iinet can port a landline number they can't port an internode VOIP number, even though they are all the same company or something.  It's easy enough to reconfigure a VOIP phone to use the iinet VOIP service, so currently I have two VOIP numbers and four lines on my VOIP system.  


> On 2016/Sep/10, at 3:12 PM, Andy Farkas <andyf at andyit.com.au> wrote:
> On 09/09/2016 17:35, Narelle wrote:
>> Folks
>> my day job is with ACCAN <http://accan.org.au/> and with permission to
>> forward, I can get the official answers to this.
>> However, my understanding is that a simple switch over should be part of
>> the NBN install that your retail service provider should do. I would like
>> to confirm the exact details as with FTTN things have changed since I was
>> completely across the details...
> I got NBN six weeks ago.
> Your ISP/RSP should provide you with a pre-configured modem to which
> you can just plug in a normal telephone. Your land-line number is
> ported to VoIP, and everything just works. That's what happened to me.
> BUT....
> ....the phone now has to be near the modem because that's where
> it has to be plugged into. And you can only plug in one phone. So if
> you have "extensions" around the house, they ain't gonna work no
> more.
> ....fortunately I'm an IT guy and was able to reverse-engineer the VoIP
> settings from the modem and configure my FreeSwitch server to use
> the VoIP account details and reconnect all my DECT handsets and other
> VoIP devices.
> -andyf
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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