[LINK] Cancer cure through gene therapy
Jevan Pipitone
discussion-email-lists at jevan.com.au
Wed Nov 13 22:17:41 AEDT 2019
Thanks for the link to link info.
I am interested in the topic that is included in link material which is "Open/distance learning and the rise of the virtual campus".
For my other interests that are not covered by the link topics list, of which there are many, can you recommend a more general ANU email list that I can join?
On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 09:44:58 +1000
Andy Farkas <andyf at andyit.com.au> wrote:
> On 12/11/2019 22:39, Jevan Pipitone wrote:
> > Any thoughts on this?
> Yes. Perhaps you should read up on what LINK is about:
> http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/link
> -andyf
> _______________________________________________
> Link mailing list
> Link at mailman.anu.edu.au
> http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/link
Jevan Pipitone
MIT SE (UC), GradDip IT (UC), BSc (ANU),
GradCert Rsch Methods & Des (UC)
The general kind of things I do are online (via the internet) friends and activity partners for chat and hobbies, and volunteer or paid work as a staff employee or freelancer/contractor, for work I have a manager(s) or supervisor to manage me, or a mentor to advocate for my opinions and requests. Most of the people I interact with are female. Everyone I interact with are adults age 18 or above. Sometimes I pay people to do work for me, such as writing a report. I am interested in choosing/forming and paying a team of freelancers at their hourly rates to participate in a recorded brainstorming video chat online short session(s), for example 30 minutes one-off or occasionally, to discuss ideas and issues that I think up, for possible upload to the internet such as onto my YouTube channel. Whenever I pay staff to work for me, I do it on a prepaid basis, so that they only work for time I have already paid them for. I sometimes interact as friends with people that have any disabi!
lity (phy
sical or mental) since I think that is a good way to "give back" to Centrelink for all their financial help to me through disability support pension that I receive due to my schizophrenia and aspergers, and also, through karma, if I help disabled people through friendship then someone might help me with my disabilities, and also, they really appreciate when I chat with them online. I am age 47 male. I work from home wherever possible, otherwise I am able to come into the workplace anytime I choose during the business's working hours without any notice or appointment, preferably late afternoon or evening. My description: Computing Researcher, Self Employed, Innovation, Management, Canberra Australia. My computing interests are Creating, Doing, Improvising, Analysing for Improvement: Computer Programming Open Source including C#.NET & VB.NET, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Microsoft Visual Studio, MySQL & Microsoft SQL, Windows Forms, WPF. My interests are making, collaborating, and !
people to make: 3d animation, Acting Improvisations, Audio Podcasts, Business & Startups, Chat, Collaborations, Creative Writing & Poetry, Creativity, Dancing, Debating, Decisions, Digital Art, Discussion of Topics, Electronic Music Composition/Creation (FL Studio), Engineering, Entrepreneurs, Friends, Graphic Design, Ideas, Information Analysis, Innovation, IT Tuition, Jazz Piano, Jazz Singing Male Baritone & Choir & Karaoke, Leadership, Management, Mathematics, Meetings, PC Support, Phone Talk (if done from my home), Photography, Physics (theoretical), Public Speaking, Reading online science magazines and emails, Research, Science, Web Design, YouTube Videos. My interactions are done by Phone, Email, Online Chat, anything we can make and send each other and collaborate on. Note: For our interactions, collaborations, hobbies, volunteer work, etc to turn out successful, it may be necessary for there to be a financial cost to me in order for you or your organization to make !
it work,
so let me know what you suggest.
Canberra, Australia
An Image Scan of something I have done in the past (page 1): http://www.jevan.com.au/files/emailSignature/104A.Menslink-volunteering-multicultural-festival-page1-2017feb17.png
An Image Scan of something I have done in the past (page 2): http://www.jevan.com.au/files/emailSignature/104B.Menslink-volunteering-multicultural-festival-page2-2017feb17.png
Latest Photo of Jevan Pipitone: http://www.jevan.com.au/files/emailSignature/JevanPipitonePhoto-Latest.jpg
Web: http://www.jevan.com.au/
Tel: (02) 6152 8010 (or +61 2 6152 8010)
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jevanpipitone
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jevanpipitone
GitHub: http://www.github.com/jevanpipitone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jevanpipitone
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