[LINK] .nsw.gov.au and privacy

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Wed Mar 4 12:46:49 AEDT 2020


Private companies do hold a lot of private data in the course of 
providing public services.

All public transport travel data is in private hands of Opal operators 
and passengers are also being encouraged to use their credit cards.

Our roads are being built by private companies with no oversight by the 

Our Public Transport itself not just the ticketing is run by private 
companies (Trams and increasingly Buses)

This is the landscape we have to negotiate.


On 4/3/20 12:07 pm, David wrote:
> Recently I changed my email address on the Service NSW website, and almost immediately received three emails from <qa_support at salesforce.com> advising me they "recently received a request to change your Salesforce account’s email address [...]  To finish changing your email address, go to [...] https://servicensw.my.salesforce.com/setup/emailverif?oid=[long user ID]"
> I have no desire for an account with Salesforce.com, which is a "customer relations manager" and marketing company apparently based in San Franscisco.
> The person from Service NSW advised  "While there does appear to be an excess of emails confirming your change it is just the salesforce platform that the website operates on that is generating these automated responses as a result of your email address update."
> The Service NSW privacy policy doesn't mention Salesforce.com, but it does mention a company by the name of Mixpanel Inc. and Google Analytics.
> Enquiries as to how much personal information is sent to third parties or offshore elicit the usual incantations about privacy, but the privacy policy is full of the usual escape clauses such as "Service NSW will take reasonable security measures [...]."
> So much for privacy, it's pretty clear all residents personal information id held offshore.  Why does Gladys Berejiklian need to involve companies like Google Analytics, Salesforce.com, _and_ Mixpanel?  Why is there no mandatory requirement for all personal information to be held solely in Australia and under the direct control of Government?
> David L.
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Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Email:  marghanita at ramin.com.au
Website: http://ramin.com.au

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