[LINK] Response by ICT community to COVID-19

Robert Hazeltine r.hazeltine at exemail.com.au
Tue Mar 24 14:48:25 AEDT 2020


I have been a sleeper on this list for some time but this crisis means my time working for IT at a university suggests an idea.  I am not sure how to progress it.  But government’s inaction is a sunspot on the photosphere.

Basically, I believe it is possible to get the Centrelink queues off the streets within 24-48 hours with an expert group of ICT professional. 

The system would need to be developed on the fly with progressive and quick version updates. I’ve seen it done before but definitely you di need the best to avoid a fail or restart. 

Simply, the fist version would not be much more than an login system collecting user data then moving from metadata and progressing to interlinks with identification systems such Medicare and drivers licences.  Much of this should have been enabled by “national security” legislation.  A stand alone data base of those who would otherwise be on the street and in danger because not quarantined. 

While that was being develop the team would be looking for less important computer centre to house the system - maybe substituting less important systems like libraries, CSIRO even universities, support from the cloud providers - but certainly independent of the Centrelink system which obviously cannot stand the strain.

It’s time for ICT professional to come together and offer enabling support.

What think you? 

Robert Hazeltine

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