[LINK] "Blue Box" Auction

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Fri Oct 30 17:40:36 AEDT 2020

John writes,

>> Purchased directly from Steve Wozniak by the consignor in Autumn 1972
> This seems strange to me
> Looking at the chips, I see
>    1820-0054  ; 7304
>   9316 DC ; F 7403
>    9390/7490 ; PCF 7422
> The numbers on the first row are valid IC part numbers.
> The numbers on the second row look like year+week date codes in 1973 and 1974
> which indicate to me that the device was not sold pre-assembled in 1972.
> ..
> On Fri, 30 Oct 2020 at 12:18, Stephen Loosley <StephenLoosley at outlook.com<mailto:StephenLoosley at outlook.com>> wrote:
> Bonhams Auction   https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/26078/lot/62/

Good detective work John. It does make sense that they are the manufacturing dates.

Haha, wonder if Bonhams, as a supposedly reputable auction house, are aware of this?


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